掛軸展「絵 、纏う」5月11日(火)~20日(木)

12:00 ~ 19:00 会期中無休





椎名 絢/Shiina Aya

■ 紙について






■ 軸装について



■ 新作について




□ About paper

I usually use hemp paper, but this time, I used thinner Japanese paper for the mounting.

I used ganpishi ;thin Japanese paper, made from fibers taken from the bark of a clove-like bush, for the work of the mounting.

I impressed that the paint is smoothly applied to the surface of the paper. Also, it seemed that the lines were delicately decided without much bleeding probably because the fibers were short.

The coloring from the back was slightly transparent and shined on the surface, reminding me of the charm of Japanese paper.

I also used Japanese tissue ;Kozo paper, Japanese tissue made from the bark fiber of a paper mulberry tree. The paper itself was very soft and the color bleeding that gradually spread along the fibers was very beautiful. I impressed that the paint came down from the brush onto the paper and soaked in smoothly. Perhaps because I used ganpi and Japanese tissue that are much thinner than the ones I usually use, I felt that the particles of the paint stayed in a shallow place from the surface of the paper, and the smooth drawing made me feel like fresh and also difficult.

By changing the paper, the expression of the picture changed greatly, and it was a lot of learning.


□ About mounting

I mostly draw on the panel, and the main premise is that it is a square, and the size is usually decided in advance. However, since the hanging scroll is mounted after the work is completed, it was attractive to me that it could be drawn freely without deciding the size and shape, and its generosity. I feel like I was able to draw freely. I worked with the gallery to match the textile with the finished work. It was a valuable experience to feel the fun and difficulty of changing the expression of the picture depending on the textile I choose.


□ About new artwork

I drew the nature around me. Its scenery seems that I have passed by casually. Perhaps because I often turned my attention to familiar things, the usual scenery seemed to look different again.



1979 茨城県生まれ

2001 お茶の水女子大学理学部生物学科卒業

2013 武蔵野美術大学造形学部日本画学科卒業

2015 同大学大学院造形研究科修士課程美術専攻日本画コース修了



2019 「冬の旅」gFAL/東京

2018 「灯/潜る」ギャラリーナユタ/東京

2017 「熱海」ギャラリーナユタ/東京



2018 「第7回 日経日本画大賞展」上野の森美術館/東京


2016 「第9回菅楯彦大賞展」倉吉博物館/鳥取

2015 「晨颯展」かわべ美術/東京



武部翔子/Takebe Shoko

⬛︎ 紙について



⬛︎ 軸装について




⬛︎ 新作について




□ About paper

In my usual productions, I wanted to create a rough texture and astringent color, so I layered rough paint on thick hemp paper and painted it over and over again. When I tried using Japanese tissue this time, I was worried about the thinness of the paper, but I did not mind at all after trying washing the screen several times. I felt the toughness of handmade Japanese paper, and I was able to handle it without worrying about it.

Unlike the hemp paper I have used so far, the color does not sink. Because the color development that applied in one shot painting was beautiful, naturally the number of times that I layered was reduced, and I feel that the movement of applying color is also relaxed.


□ About mounting

To mount of artwork, I can’t use the usual rough paints to prevent the paints from peeling off when it is rolled. I finished it so that I tried not to put too many paints on top, so I think it was lighter than usual. It was the first time for me to match the textile for this exhibition, and I felt the depth of the mounting because the part that stands out in the picture changes depending on the color, pattern, and weave of the textile.


□ About new artwork

I used ink as the base for all my works this time. As a ‘matiere’, I tried various actions of ink and water, and connected them to the expression of the epidermis of trees, snowflakes, and frost. I would like to express a natural phenomenon by combining it with free lines that look like threads are hung on the screen.



1987 北海道生まれ

2011 京都市立芸術大学 美術学部日本画専攻 卒業

2013 京都市立芸術大学修士課程 美術研究科絵画専攻日本画 修了



2011 京都市立芸術大学作品展 卒業制作「山口賞」

   春季創画展入選(同 ’12 ’17 )

   碧い石見の芸術祭2011 美術大学日本画展「奨励賞」/石正美術館(島根)


2012   臥龍桜日本画大賞展入選

   碧い石見の芸術祭2012 美術大学日本画展/石正美術館(島根)

   第39回創画展入選(同  ’18 )

   日本画の色material, matter, mind天然絵具と京都オパールの可能性 /ギャラリー恵風(京都)、数寄和(東京)

2016  第1回 石本正 日本画大賞展/石正美術館(島根)

    個展 「記憶の庭」/ギャラリー恵風(京都)

2018    筍々会展’17/京都府立文化芸術会館(京都)

2019    筍々会展’18/京都府立文化芸術会館(京都)

   ギャラリーへ行こう 2019「数寄和賞」/数寄和(東京)

     四人展 Christmas Selection 2019 「Advent Calendar」/ギャラリー恵風(京都)

2020    ギャラリーへ行こう 2020入選/数寄和(東京)




中島綾美/Nakashima Ayami

■ 紙について






■ 軸装について





■ 制作にあたって





□ About paper

For the first time, I tried using handmade Japanese tissue and felt that it was an attractive support that would bring out the potential of paints.

I think that the color of mineral pigments looked vivid and the gradation of dyes could be expressed more delicately. As a result, wasted work is reduced, and the work is completed with less effort than usual.

The brush feel was very smooth and did not get caught, and I was able to draw lines smoothly.

I am addicted to it a little.


□ About mounting

Obviously, I was surprised and impressed by the fact that the effect on the painting differs greatly depending on the pattern and texture of the textile.

My work, which was mounted, has a princess as a motif.

By arranging textile that is reminiscent of soft waves in the part surrounding the work, the movement of the waves and the expanse of the seabed were born outside the painting.

When the relationship between the painting and the fissure was in harmony, the work wore clothes like the title of this exhibition, and I was uplifted with a new feeling.


□ About production

After solo exhibition last year, production was stalled in terms of technique and technology. By keeping the production to make the best use of handmade Japanese paper, I got the feeling that my expression spreads. I realized that I had to find out the affinity between the support and the paint, instead of forcing the colors to be painted over and drawing in a deceptive manner. I wasn’t able to do the obvious thing.

It was also an opportunity to review how to use familiar materials and tools.

I was able to proceed with the production carefully with the advice of Mr. Kishida of Sukiwa and the artists who will exhibit this time together. Thank you very much.



1993 山口県生まれ

2017 武蔵野美術大学日本画学科 卒業



2020 個展「中島綾美展ー天使の輪郭ー」 gallery hydrangea(曳舟)

   郷さくら美術館 桜花賞展 (目黒)

2019 個展「中島綾美展ー映し鏡の森ー」八犬堂ギャラリー(池尻大橋)

2018 個展 「中島綾美展―水脈―」 柴田悦子画廊 (銀座)

2017 「武蔵野美術大学卒業制作」展 武蔵野美術大学

   「東京五美術大学連合卒業・修了制作展」 国立新美術館


古石紫織/Furuishi Shiori

■ 紙について



■ 軸装について


■ 制作にあたって



□ About paper

When using Japanese tissue for the first time, at first I was confused by the thinness of the hemp paper that I usually use, but I was surprised at its toughness even when I did the usual work such as washing the screen. The surface is very smooth, so it feels good to stretch smoothly without the paint getting caught on the paper. I want to make mineral pigments, which tend to sink in color, beautifully colored while maintaining high saturation, but I was struggling to get the color I wanted. However, I changed my thought because the color that you put on first develops really beautifully after changing to this paper. I started thinking how I make use of that color to finish it and made it.


□ About mounting

To mount of my artwork and paintings in hanging scroll this time, I have been felt like it was somewhere far away even though I was in the world of Japanese painting. I actually put the picture that I drew on the textile and chose a combination from many. I was excited at the moment when I saw the selected textile wearing the air outside of my painting and expanding the painting world. It was really interesting that the air outside and the world I wanted to express changed depending on the textile I chose.


□ About production

Since I changed the paper to make it, I decided to review how to use glue, whitewash, and paint again, so I repeated trials and experiments while listening to various stories. After graduating from university, there will be no place to study, so there will be some parts that will become my own way. It was a great harvest for me to have the opportunity to go back to the basics and review and learn about the relationship with paper, glue and paints.



1986  滋賀県生まれ

2014  武蔵野美術大学 造形学部日本画学科 卒業

2018 個展 《陽だまりの誘い》 藤屋画廊/銀座

   ギャラリーへ行こう2018 数寄和/西荻窪

   第20回雪梁舎フィレンツェ賞展 第20回記念賞 受賞

2019 第38回新春企画 個展 《光を泳ぐ》アートスペース88/国立

   第37回 上野の森美術館大賞展 入選

   第4回星乃珈琲店絵画コンテスト 優秀賞 受賞

​   ギャラリーへ行こう2019 数寄和/西荻窪

   在外研修 イタリア(フィレンツェ)

2020 第8回 郷さくら美術館 桜花賞展

   個展 《庭の見る夢》 藤屋画廊/銀座

   ギャラリーへ行こう2020 数寄和/西荻窪

